Facing Completions and Closures this Libra Eclipse

2024 astrology libra libra eclipse libra lunar eclipse lunar eclipse lunar eclipse in libra Mar 23, 2024
libra, libra eclipse, lunar eclipse, lunar eclipse in libra, 2024, libra lunar eclipse, astrology


Welcome to this year’s first powerful Eclipse portal, which is being coined as entering the “dragon’s den.”  This eclipse portal actually began after the last new moon and includes the March 24th-25th lunar eclipse and culminates with the Aries Total Solar Eclipse on April 8th. If you have felt a surge or a call to cleanse and elevate spiritually, know that it's the portal guiding you to your soul growth!

Be courageous. This is only your first step towards allowing the Libra energies to transform your life—the value of tranquility, balance, and harmony. Prepare to harness these high purifying frequencies of this Eclipse! 

It’s a pivotal moment to reflect on relationships and connections in your world. What’s working, and what’s running its course? Don’t resist change—this Eclipse cycle is helping you shed the old belief systems and patterns that no longer serve you so that you can bring in new connections that are more in alignment with your values and support your growth! 

visit timeanddate.com to learn more
about the eclipse and exact time in your area

Harness the energies of this eclipse season by: 

đ“‹ą Reflecting on connections. As the moon works with Mars and Venus, it invites us to a journey of reassessment. Some friendships or relationships may have run their course, but this lunation assures you that new soul tribes are on the horizon, supporting your growth.

đ“‹ą Reevaluating self-worth. Dreamy Pisces with Venus takes you to the exploration of your inner world, especially your perception of self. If you've been giving too much of yourself away, now is the time to rediscover balance and prioritize your self-love.

đ“‹ą Honor your inner voice. Mars, Sagittarius, and Libra are working together to emphasize cherishing the freedom of self-expression. But instead of solely focusing on action, attuning yourself inwards fosters more clarity during this period of reassessment. 


An Eclipse period is a favorable time to enter a new life cycle, guided by your intuition and soul guidance. Join our Libra Eclipse ritual in the Challenges area of our Free Online Community TODAY!

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We will be sharing some live yoga, sound healing and meditation sessions for free next week as a little open house community event in support of the Dragon's Den Eclipse portal through the April 8th total Solar Eclipse!  Join our Community and join us next week. Make a donation if you like!  Schedule will be posted there!  


It's an exciting time of closure and completion that promises unparalleled soul expansion!