Amazing Woman Rise

amazing woman rise book womenempowerment Feb 17, 2023
amazing woman rise, book, amazon, womenempowerment,

Amazing Woman Rise is about to be released next week! Heather wrote a chapter on living a life in balance in this deeply transformative book! So exciting!

Friends… I have a big ASK today because with your support TOGETHER we can create something great. Will you link arms with me and the co-authors of AMAZING WOMAN RISE as together we link arms to create a ripple effect of transformation and inspiration? AMAZING WOMAN RISE is available for pre-release special NOW! Here’s a special link where you can access a BUY ONE GIFT ONE offer (2 books for the price of one) …

PLUS, Your purchase of AMAZING WOMAN RISE ensures girls and women receive the education, and mentorship to move forward in their lives and their livelihood. A large portion of every book sold benefits our cause partner DRESS FOR SUCCESS.

Within the pages of AMAZING WOMAN RISE readers link arms with influential mentors, entrepreneurs, and change-makers who share ways they are magnifying the power of the feminine heart in their own lives to excel in business, relationships, and their purpose. Through transformational stories and affirmative thoughts, the reader finds ways to tap into this power and unlock innate talents, amplify worth and magnify your spiritual confidence. In essence, accessing the power of the feminine heart moves us beyond an outdated identity, becoming less about rules and expectations; and more about expressing your truth