Solstice New Moon in Capricorn

new moon new moon in capricorn winter solstice Dec 22, 2022
new moon, capricorn, new moon in capricorn, capricorn new moon, winter solstice,

Today's New Moon coincides with the 6th of the 7 sacred days of Solstice. The three days following the solstice are a time to envision and dream of our short term, longer term, and collective planetary goals and intentions.

New Moon is Exact
December 23rd
2:16am PT/ 5:16am ET


Be Inspired With the Solstice New Moon in Capricorn
As we anticipate the new year ahead, the practical and grounded energy of Capricorn is calling us to take a look at our aspirations and goals for 2023.

This is an opportunity for us to:

  • Get to the drawing board and imagine our wildest most fulfilling vision for our lives
  • Create a practical action plan to achieve them, end even better would be to make a list of small but significant action steps
  • At the same time, tie up any loose ends, old cycles and patterns that are no longer serving your highest purpose
  • Start anew and fresh in 2023 with your clear intentions


Be Aware of the Risk for Overcommitment
However, the moon squares off against Jupiter in Aries. Known for its impulsivity and fiery nature, the Ram has a tendency to magnify everything it draws close to it. It is also influenced by Jupiter, the planet of growth and expansion.

With these aspects it may feel tempting to over commit to plans, running the risk of taking on more than we can get to.

Also, bear in mind that Mars, the planet of movement and energy, is still in retrograde too, and Mercury, the planet of communication will also begin to be in retrograde in a few days. Both these transits call for taking your time to tune into your inner voice before things speed up.


Plan Your Move in the Solstice New Moon in Capricorn

The best course of action is to:

  • Find clarity in silence and the stillness of these last days of Solstice
  • Seek wisdom in states of bliss

This is where you will hear the truest calling of your soul, allowing you to envision and solidify the vibrant spectrum of your manifestations and desires.