Aug 15/16, 2023 - Getting the Courage to Create this Leo New Moon

leo leo new moon new moon new moon in leo Aug 14, 2023
new moon, leo, new moon in leo, leo new moon,

New Moon signifies fresh beginnings and the setting of new intentions. As we step into the Leo in New Moon this August 16, 2023, this season inspires your creative spirit to pour itself out into the world and express your radiant self!


Leo in New Moon Helps Your Creativity Shine

A sign governing self-expression and creativity, this is the perfect time to stop hiding in the shadows anymore and let your heart’s voice roar, loud, and clear. Fear, self-doubt, and perfectionism are all hindrances that dampen your creative spark. Here’s what you can do to shine like a flamboyant Leo energy:

  • Quiet the inner critic. The Leo energy has the tendency to cling to their ego too much, wanting a perfect self-image. But your harsh judgemental voice won’t do you good. Learn to shut off the inner critic in you to open yourself up to new possibilities and allow your natural creativity to flourish. 
  • Slow and steady is normal. Venus is in Retrograde and this means that there can be delays in your creativity process which is absolutely normal! Self-expression is a deeply personal process that often takes time to find the most authentic way to do it. Holding back gives you the opportunity to refine your skills and take a moment of self-reflection.
  • Connect to your inner child. Unleash your inner artist by connecting to your playfulness and desire to just have fun. This helps reignite your passion and zest for life, infusing you with joy and curiosity.

Time to Embrace Authenticity this Leo New Moon

A flaming heart that is bursting with creativity and self-expression, it’s time to express your authenticity and embrace your unique journey this Leo New Moon Season!