Summer Solstice Ritual

Wednesday, June 21st
4pm - 7pm

Black Swan Temple Farm
Maui * Hawaii


The summer solstice marks the first day of summer, when the sun reaches the highest point in the sky. The day is long, and the night is short. The sun is most potent on the summer solstice and is recognized as a time of powerful healing.

The colors are yellow, green, orange, red, and gold. The summer solstice celebrates the life giving sun, and a return to warmer days.

On June 21st, we warmly invite you to join us for our Summer Solstice Celebration.

Our gathering will begin with an invocation to the 7 directions followed by an Earth Altar Ritual to align with the energies and focus our intentions.

We will then proceed to our peace gardens and orchard where we will plant and activate our World Peace Pole to hold our prayers and intentions for a Just, Life Affirming, Kind, Loving, Sustainable Human Presence on Earth.

We are also excited to share some pineapple lemonade from our Temple Farm along with Sacred Cacao infused with Roses and Blue Lotus flowers that we grew.

Please RSVP at your earliest convenience as there is a limited number of people that we can host.

We are offering this on a sliding scale from $22 on up and all are welcome.

Proceeds will go to improving our water catchment system!  We thank you for supporting our budding farm.

We wish you all the best during this expansive season.

Remember - Bloom where you are planted!

You are AMAZING!

Much love,

Heather & Donny Regal
Black Swan Temple Farm

Black Swan Temple & Farm
Maui, North Shore
Directions to be provided upon registration.  No walk ins!